

-- From 2018/11/20 to 2018/11/25
-- From Malalane to Kruger NP, Skukuza


The GPS road tracklog
from Malalane to Berg-en-dal
from 2018/11/20 to 2018/11/20


The GPS road tracklog
from Berg-en-Dal to Berg-en-Dal
from 2018/11/21 to 2018/11/21


Tuesday, November 20 I expected Malelane Gate the opening at 5:30 in the morning; 20 minutes later I entered Kruger National Park, wiki here. Then after having bought the map of the roads and tracks I undertook my first visit which was profitable. The day after at 5:00 a.m. I was for hunting photographs. I admired my first leopard, certainly in a tree and difficult to take a picture, but finally I saw it. For memory, the “big five” are the elephant, the leopard, the lion, the rhinoceros and the buffalo. The traffic rules are common to all the South-African parks; for example the vehicles of more than 4000 kg can take only the asphalted roads. The park has a heavy heat in this at the end of November more than 36°C in the shade!

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The GPS road tracklog
from Berg-en-Dal to Pretoriuskop
from 2018/11/22 to 2018/11/22


The GPS road tracklog
from Pretoriuskop to Pretoriuskop
from 2018/11/23 to 2018/11/23


Thursday, November 22 after to go to the reception of Pretoriuskop Camp, I left for hunting wild animals. The neighborhoods of the camp are covered with shrubs hiding the animals and making the photographs random. The highlight of the trip was a couple of hyena and their pup. The following day Friday for my departure at 5:00 of the morning after one rainy night, a couple of bird expected me on the grid of the barbecue to wish me a good visit. At the end of this visit I was the spectator of three elephants playing in a pond and evolving under water the horn in the air as snorkel!

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Elephants in swimingpool