Monday, April 1 I left Serengeti NP to go to have rest at the edge of Lake Victoria. Indeed I traversed the 135 km of track from Senora, Tumbili, to the exit of the park in 4:30 so much the track is bad. On arrival at the office of exit, the ranger pointed out that I was in delay of two hours immediately of entry in the park. I retorted to him that the track was in bad condition and, that I did not know it. Moreover I informed him of my astonishment due to sums spent, as a foreigner, to visit these parks and that his remark was bad. I arrived around 15:30 at Tunza Lodge for a one nigh.
Tuesday, April 2 I initially sought to make wash my truck of the mud of Serengeti NP, then to store food before the entry Kenya which I did not find. Moreover campsites in Mwanza are quasi non-existent. Consequently I went up to Musoma where there was one of them; admittedly not amazing behind a grid with far Lake Victoria and at the bottom of a building in becoming since long years. There but finally I stayed for four nights due to prepare the visit of Kenya, last country of my journey in Southern and Eastern Africa.
Saturday, April 6 I began the formalities to leave Tanzania then to enter Kenya.