From 2007/12/25 to 2007/12/31

-- From Kanchanaburi to Mae Hong Son





The road tracklog
From Kanchanaburi to Mae Sot
from 25/12 to 27/12/2007

The Christmas Day I was going to visit Ayutthaya from Kanchanaburi and I was taking secondary roads of excellent quality through the central plain irrigated for the culture of rice. Ayutthaya was the second capital of the kingdom during 400 years and under 34 Kings which extended as far as Laos and Kampuchea in the east and Burma in the west. The access to the Historical Park did not pose any problem; streets are broad and quadrangular. I visited it in the afternoon until sunset. The temples were built out of red brick according to diverse stylistic influences, Burmese, Khmer and Hindu. I strolled from site to site by bicycle. The bivouac had been established, at the request of the Tourism police, next to the Tourism Centre.



Wat Mahathat 
the 25/12/2007 

On the way towards Mae Sot I stopped in Kamphaeng Phet to visit the temples of this city strengthened to protect the kingdom of Ayutthaya. It did not survive the sack of Ayutthaya by Burmese. The temples are localized in the enclosure of the old city and in a close forest. The laterite hardcore buildings were less restored than in Ayutthaya. The site is out of tourist roads. I decided to establish my bivouac in the forest of the temples. Alas a young troublemaker with his girlfriends came to say to me that it was prohibited, whereas I had the authorization of the guard at the entry. He called the police which dislodged me and led me in front of the Tourism Information Centre.



Wat Phra Kaew
Kamphaeng Phet 
le 26/12/2007 

The 27/12 I arrived in the late morning in Mae Sot after a very beautiful mountain road starting from Tak. The city extends in length as far as the Friendship Bridge which connects Thailand to Myanmar. Of course it was prohibited to take a photo! However I took one on side to show that the access is latticed over the entire length. Remainder, it was impossible to enter Burma with one’s own vehicle. Although there is nothing to see I decided to spend the night in Mae Sot on a platform down town.



Friendship Bridge 
Mae Sot 
the 27/12/2007 





The road tracklog
From Mae Sot to Mae Hong Son
from 28/12 to 30/12/2007

According to LP the road towards Mae Saraing had some points of interest. Alas the morning of my departure there was a thick fog until 10:00. Then the visit recommended at Kilometre 94 was one swindles. The entry of the caves was subjected to an admission fee of 100 bahts for foreigners, it was necessary to add 100 bahts for a guide who did not speak English and 20 bahts for a boat. I ran away. As far as Mae Sarit the road skirts the river Mae Nam Moei which is the natural border with Myanmar. Then it enters the mountain and became a corrugated road to Mae Saraing. In Mae Sarit I lunched at the crossroad of roads 105 and 1267, turfed and flowered, I was in Switzerland. In Mae Saraing I drove around the town without finding a bivouac for my truck. I went to the Police Station; the person in charge accommodated me cordially.



Mae Nam Moei,
en route to Mae Sarit
the 28/12/2007 

The following day was a bicycling day in the city and in the neighbourhoods to discover the strange. Thus I climbed a hill to contemplate the city at the foot of a giant Buddha.



Mae Saraing 
the 29/12/2007 

On the move towards Mae Hong Son I made a detour to visit Wat Tor Phae which exhibits a tapestry of the 19th century behind a glass. Then at the northern end of Khun Yuam I parked my truck in front of the WWII Museum which I visited before lunching. An interesting video projection reminds the political choice of the King of Thailand, co-operation with Japanese. The museum exhibits old rusted scrap without much interest. On the other hand the black and white photographs of the time are very evocative. I arrived in the early afternoon in Mae Hong Son where I found a bivouac behind the monasteries, Wat Jong Kham and Wat Jong Klan.



WWII Museum 
Khun Yuam
the 30/12/2007 

In evening a night market settled around the Jong Kham Lake in front of the monasteries. The most spectacular attraction was inflated and released small balloons out of paper to which were attached a banger. The night market was very colourful; a crowd of idlers were pressed in front of food stalls of any nature. I walked in front of this abundance and I tasted with all kinds of dishes, each one explaining me in vernacular language that what it was. It was a great moment.



Wat Jong Kham 
Mae Hong Son 
le 30/12/2007 



Mae Hong Son 
le 30/12/2007 



Mae Hong Son 
le 30/12/2007 



Food stall 
Mae Hong Son 
le 30/12/2007 

The last day of the year 2007 I remained in Mae Hong Son strolling in the city and its neighbourhoods. The altitude of the lake is approximately 260 meters. Temperature in the early morning was of 17°C and clouds hid surrounding tops.



Wat Phra That Doi  Kong Noo
Mae Hong Son 
the 31/12/2007 

The first day of 2008 I taken again my progression northwards Thailand.

Mae Hong Son, le 2007/12/31