From 2009/01/06 to 2009/01/11

-- From the border of Laos to Khao Yai NP



The road tracklog
from the border to Khao Yai NP
from 06/01 to 11/01/2009

Border crossing

I had arrived at the border between Laos and Thailand around 09:30 In Thailand it was longer than in Laos due to the Carnet de Passage en Douane is not recognized, Thailand has its own procedure. Moreover I noticed that it differed from a border post to the other to obtain “Simplified Customs Declaration Form” and a complementary document “Information of Conveyance”. I paid 200 THB for these two documents, without receipt! The procedure lasted thirty minutes included waiting time. One needed a certificate of insurance, not having found an office to buy one; I provided that of the preceding stay, the employee did not check the validity dates. I have the unpleasant surprise to note that the VOA, visa on arrival, was of 15 days.

I arrived in Phibun in the early afternoon where, oh happiness, there was Tesco Lotus with an ATM to which I withdrew money and where I made my market. Further on I found a PTT petrol station where I filled up diesel and water, all tanks were empty. Moreover there was a 7Eleven with also an ATM. Thailand is a true happiness for traveller. I decided to remain in Phibun where I bivouacked in Kaeng Sapheu close to the rapids – Python Rapids- of Mae Nam Mun River which are visible only from end of January until June!



Kaeng Sapheu 

January 07 I arrived in Ubon Ratchathani in middle of morning. I informed me at the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand), it has little documentation. I visited the national museum housed in a former palace of the Rama VI era which exposes parts of the Dvaravati period, of Dong Son Drums as well as a statue of Shiva with his consort Uma – Ardhanarisvara-. Further on in a park an immense votive Candle and a City Pillar. After having lunch I looked for an Internet Café to publish a new page of my website. I used three Internet Cafés to be able to publish it, the two first had blocked a FTP function (File Transfer Program).



Musée national 
Ubon Ratchathani



Ubon Ratchathani 

I left Ubon for Utumphon Phisai where I visited Prasat Hin Wat His Kamphaeng Yai. It is located in the enclosure of a modern temple close to the train station. It dates back from the 11th century built in blocks of laterite and sandstone. I was welcomed by monks of the monastery who invited me to enter the enclosure of the temple with my truck. I bivouacked on the spot.



Prasat Sa Kampaeng Yai
Utum Phomphisai

Strange statues are installed in the park, it seems to me that they represent the behaviour human being.



Animation dans l'enceinte du temple 
Ubon Ratchathani 

The southernmost part of the North-East of Thailand is close to the border to current Cambodia however it was integral part of the Khmer Empire of Angkor. It is peppered with many temples which were on the road to Angkor. All were not restored and many are in the state of ruins. I visited the most worthwhile among those which were restored while heading towards what is one of the three wonders of the Khmer art Phanom Rung.
First of all the 08/01 I visited Si Khoraphum close to a village eponymous. It was built in the 12th century; it exhibits lintels richly decorated with deities of the Hindu Pantheon.



Prasat SI Khoraphum



Prasat Si khoraphum 



Prasat SI Khoraphum

Then close to the village of Prasat it was Prasat Hin Ban Phluang of which it remains only a sandstone Prang.



Prasat Hin Ban Phluang 

Close to the village of Ban Ta Miang on the road along the border I visited three temples, Prasat Ta Meuan, Prasat Ta Meuan Toht and Prasat Ta Meuan Thom. The latter is the most important with many decorations and in the Hall a Nandi in front of a Lingam very eroded. I bivouacked on the spot guarded by the army of Thailand.



Prasat Ta Meuan
Ban Ta Miang



Prasat Ta Meuan Toht 
Ban Ta Miang 



Prasat Ta Meuan Thom
Ban Ta Miang



Prasat Ta Meuan Thom 
Ban Ta Miang 

The 09/01 at the end of a small country road full with pot-holes I discovered Prasat Meuang Tam dating back from the 11th century. Inside laterite walls the five brick Prangs are surrounded by four tanks covered with lotus and guarded by five-headed Nagas. Actually it does not remain that four Prangs symbolizing the Mount Meru, abode of Hindu Gods. One of the lintels represents Indra God in the position “Maharaja Lilasana”.




Prasat Meuang Tam



Prasat Meuang Tam 



Hindu God: Indra
Prasat Meuang Tam

Seven kilometres further on in a park one of the jewels of the Khmer art, Phanom Rung located at a hilltop. It was built between 11th and 13th century. A long promenade bordered by pillars surmounted by a lotus bulb led to a staircase leading to a terrace of the temple. A gallery surrounds a Prang preceded by Mondop. The doorways are surmounted by lintels representing scenes of the Hindu iconography.



Phanom Rung 



Main Prang & Mondop
Phanom Rung 



Nataraja, dancing Shiva 
Phanom Rung 



Narayana, reclining Vihnu
Phanom Rung 

The 10/01 I reached the town of Nakhon Ratchasima with the target to visit two local sights. Initially the egery of the city, Thao Suranari, who led a ragtag army to a victory by fighting the Vientiane forces in 1826. Scholars think that it is a legend.



Thao Suranari Memorial 
Nakhon Ratchasima 

The charming small Maha Viravong museum exhibits some beautiful parts: a Dong Son Drum dating 2500 years ago, a stone with inscriptions in Sanskrit written in the Pallava alphabet and a Buddha receiving offerings dating back to the 13th century.



Dong Son tambour
Maha Viravong Museum 
Nakhon Ratchasima 



Ban Phan Doong Stone Inscription 
Maha Viravong Museum 
Nakhon Ratchasima 





Buddha receiving offerings
Maha Viravong Museum 
Nakhon Ratchasima 

After having lunch I decided to go to put to me at the green in Khao Yai National Park. I thus left the city. Alas I have to stop on the move before the night which falls around 18:00. I bivouacked on a petrol station.

The 11/01 I presented myself around 09:00 at the entrance station of Khao Yai NP. The person in charge informed me that the authorized maximum height was 3.5 meters. I told him that I thus did not enter. He wanted however to measure the height of my truck. He noted that indeed he measured more than 3.5 meters high. Consequently I decided to stroll in the park by bike, I had supposed my forces. I cycled 54 kilometres outward journey and return on mountain roads sometimes by pushing my bike in the too sloping hillsides. About 12:00 I reached the site of Pha Kluai Mai Falls where I had lunch. Fortunately I had likely to look at wild animals, an elephant crossing the road, a cervidé at the pasture and a gibbon. I headed again to bivouac at the petrol station.



Entrance station KM 23 
Khao Yai NP 



Éléphant sauvage
Khao Yai NP 



Khao Yai NP 



Khao Yai NP 

Nakhon Ratchasima, the 2009/01/11