From 2008/11/10 to 2008/11/16

-- From Moc Bai to Hoi An






The road tracklog
From Moc Bai to Hoi An
from 10/11 to 16/11/2008

Border crossing

The 10/11 the crossing of the Cambodian border in Bavet lasted approximately 10 minutes. At 9:00 I was at the Vietnamese border in Moc Bai. I met an English speaking officer of customs to which I entrusted le carnet de passage en douane of my truck. He returned to say me that Vietnam did not recognize this document. He asked an English speaking young woman to accompany me at the police station of Moc Bai, a policeman explained me in Vietnamese that I was to request a letter of guarantee from the embassy of France in Hanoi I will leave Vietnam at the expiry date of my visa with my vehicle. This letter was to be faxed to the police in Tay Ninh.
At 11:00 I found a shop which accepted that I use the telephone to call the embassy of France. I spoke with the Consul who refused to write this letter awaited an annoying precedent with Frenchman. He advised me to go to the Consulate of France in Saigon, 80 kilometres, and to make legalize my signature of a private letter on plain paper by which I committed myself leaving Vietnam with my vehicle.
Left at 12:00 from Moc Bai I was accepted at 14:30 by the consulate and I arose from it about 15:30 with the document under a torrential monsoon rain. With a motor-driver I went to the bus station to go back to Moc Bai where I arrived around 19:30. I was soaked to marrow in an air-con bus! The exit of Saigon was dramatic in this end of a rainy day.



Vietnamese border 
Moc Bai 
the 10/11/2008 



Police station 
Moc Bai 

November 11 I presented myself at the customs about 8:30 to meet the young woman of the day before who accompanied me at the police station. The policeman examined the document legalized by the Consulate and faxed it at the police of the district of Tay Ninh for agreement. Then I awaited the verdict. The day occurred without any information. However I prepared my trip into Vietnam and the update of my website.
Around 17:00 I tried to go back to Bavet to publish my website because there was no Internet café in Moc Bai. The Immigration officer refused to let me cross the border. After having explain the reasons of my request the officer asked me to use a computer of one of the Immigration counters; it was obviously very glad to make a foot of nose to Vietnamese.

The 12/11 as of 8:30 I was in front of the door of the police station of Moc Bai. The policeman arrived and made me understand that the police of Tay Ninh had given his written agreement; the administrative process of the entry Vietnam started:
1-- Police: drafting of documents, catch of a print of the chassis n°, – I explained that the engine n° required to lift the cabin, put on my truck of a registered number in Vietnam, cost 50000 VND without receipt,
2-- Immigration: recording of my visa and stamps of the entry on my passport,
3-- Health control: disinfection of my truck, 50000 VND with a receipt,
4-- Customs: recording of the documents, visits curiosity of my truck, cost 30000 VND with receipt.
I left the border post and I entered officially Vietnam at 10:00. I phoned the French Consul in Hanoi to announce my entry to him. He informed me being intervened with the Vietnamese authorities so that turpitudes of the police of Moc Bai cease. My tribulations in Moc Bai were finished.

Then I moved towards Saigon where I went to HSBC bank to withdraw money then to buy a roadmap.
My visa being 30 days I did not have any more 28 days to visit Vietnam; I modified the planned trip consequently, no visit in the Mekong delta, flash visit in Saigon etc I privileged sites of Cham civilization and the mountain minorities in the north.
Heading towards Dalat I bivouacked at a service station on the move.



the 12/11/2008 



Post office 

The 13/11 I left the carpark where I had rather badly slept. Road HWY20 to Dalat curves in a landscape of medium mountains; it has a degraded enough surface coating. Between Saigon and Dalat there are four toll gates for an altogether bad road. The way lasted 4:30.
The arrival in Dalat is carried out by the old road in an alpine pine forest. Dalat was discovered by Swiss biologist A. Yersin who created a Pasteur Institute there. The sky was grey with a winter temperature at 1475 meters of altitude. It was the privileged holiday of the French colonial authorities. I bivouacked at the edge of the lake on a carpark.



Eiffel Tower 
the 13/11/2008 



Xuan Huong Lake 

The 14/11 I left the mountain pasture of Dalat under a rain of monsoon not knowing if it were a tail of monsoon or a late vintage. The neighbourhoods of the city were covered with market gardening under greenhouses as well as shrubs which I identified like coffee-trees. The road Hwy 20 was narrow with a bad surface coating. The descent towards the coast was carried out in clouds under a flood of rain. Little before Phan Rang I stopped in Thap Cham to visit Po Klong Garai Towers, Cham’s southernmost towers of the eponym empire. Of Brahman's influence the divinity in his narthex was dressed and venerated by offerings. Then I took the road Hwy 1 northwards with an objective to visit between two water drops Nha Trang town where I arrived about 14:30. First of all it was the Cathedral with its Gothic nave dating back from 1928, the Pasteur Institute and the Yersin museum and to finish the Oceanographic museum in a typical building of French colonial art. It was close to 17:00 I gave at the following day the visit of the Cham site northwards external of the city. I bivouacked on a carpark on seashore vis-à-vis the Yersin museum.



Po Klong Garai Towers 
Thap Cham 
the 14/11/2008 



Po Klong Garai Towers 
Thap Cham 



Rainy Inundation 
en route 
the 14/11/2008 



Cathedral's nave 
Nha Trang 



Pasteur Institute 
Nha Trang 
the 14/11/2008 



Oceanographic Museum 
Nha Trang 

Kingdom of Champa

The Kingdom of Champa flourished from the 2nd to the 15th centuries. It first appeared around present-day Danang and later spread south to what is now Nha Trang and Phan Rang. Champa became indianised through commercial ties: adopting Hinduism, using Sanskrit as a sacred language and borrowing from Indian art.
The Chams, who lacked enough land for agriculture, were semi-piratical and conducted attacks on passing trade ships. As a result they were in constant state of war with the Vietnamese to the north and the Khmers to the southwest. The Chams successfully threw off Khmer rule in the 12th century, but were entirely absorbed by the Vietnam in the 17th century.
The Chams are best known for the many brick sanctuaries (Cham Towers) they constructed through the south. The greatest collection of Cham art is in the museum of Cham sculpture in Danang. The major Cham site is at My Son and other Cham ruins can be found in Quy Nhon, and its surrounds, Tuy Hoa, Nha Trang and Mui Ne.
The Cham remain a substantial ethnic minority in Vietnam, particularly around Phan Rang, numbering around 100,000 people. Elements of Cham civilisation can still be seen in techniques for pottery, fishing, sugar production, rice farming, irrigation, silk production and construction through out the coast. While over 80% of the remaining Cham population are Muslim, the rest have remained Hindu, and many of their ancient towers in the south are still active temples.
The Chams consider themselves Muslim, but in practice they follow a localised adaptation of Islamic theology and law. Though Muslims usually pray five times a day, the Chams pray only on Fridays and celebrate Ramadan for only three days. In addition, their Islam based religious rituals co-exist with animism and the worship of Hindu deities. Circumcision is symbolically performed on boys at age 15, when a religious leader makes the gestures of circumcision with a wooden knife. (by Lp)

The 15/11 was one day in half-tone for multiple reasons. Initially the rain was always present but intermittently. Po Nagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang were very interesting, syncretism of the indianisation of the kingdom of Champa and its ancestral religion; Linga, energy of Shiva, emerging from Yoni, principle female attest Hinduism on the other hand the divinity in the main tower belongs to the ancestral religion. The following visits were much less attractive. The town of Quy Nhon is not worth the detour; however I bough some food there. The former Cham capital of Cha Ban of which there remain some structures in particular Banh It Cham Towers close to the town of Binh Dinh is not accessible; the grid of the park was closed!
Around 15:00 I decided to carry on my trip northwards. I found a bivouac on the move after Tam Guan.


Po Nagar Cham Main Tower 
Nha Trang 
the 15/11/2008 



Po Nagar Main Tower, 
four-armed Shiva 
Nha Trang 


Po Nagar Cham Main Tower 
Ancestral divinity 
Nha Trang 
the 15/11/2008 



Fishing port 
Nha Trang 


Ban It Cham Towers 
former Cham capitale 
Bin Dinh 
the 15/11/2008 



Main Tower 
Ban It Cham Towers 

Two good times animated this Sunday November 16:
First of all in the early morning I took a small road in the North-East from Quang Ngai crossing the Vietnamese countryside covered with rice paddies bordered with eucalyptus, it led to the district of My Lai which was the theatre of a massacre perpetuated by the American GI's on March 16, 1968. The small museum tells this drama, strange fact, with photographs taken by the photographer of the army!


My Lai 
the 16/11/2008 



Lt Calley 
My Lai 

Then at about thirty kilometres away from Hoi An I visited the Cham site of My Son. Here no tower as in the preceding sites, but a vast complex of worship buildings dedicated to divinities of the kingdom of Champa. The site is at the bottom of mountains. It was the theatre of bombardments by American army which destroyed buildings systematically.


My Son 
the 16/11/2008 



My Son 


My Son 
the 16/11/2008 

I bivouacked at the Cua Dai Beach close to Hoi An.

Cua Dai, le 2008/11/16