
  Sarawak & Brunei Johor Bahru

2009-06-25 : Following Travelog: Singapore

2009-06-25 : Report of the journey
2009-06-25 : From Rawang to Johor Bahru
2009-06-15 : Rawang

2008-03-28 : Following Travelog: Myanmar

2009-03-27 : Rawang
2009-03-22 : From Cherating Beach to Rawang
2009-03-15 : From Rantau Pajang to Cherating Beach

2008-09-17 : Following Travelog: Thailand

2008-09-17 : Bukit Kayu Hitam
2008-09-14 : Baling
2008-09-08 : Maran
2008-09-01 : Melaka

2008-07-29 : Following Travelog: Sarawak & Brunei

2008-07-28 : Following Travelog:
2008-04-09: Europe

2008-04-03 : Following Travelog: Singapore

2008-04-05 : Singapore
2008-03-23 : Cherating Beach
2008-03-16 : Pantai Irama

2008-01-12 : Following Travelog:
2007-12-14 : Thailand

2007-12-14 : Border Malaysia/Thailand
2007-12-09 : Taiping
2007-12-02 : Genting Highlands
2007-11-26 : Road plan
2007-11-25 : Rawang
2007-11-18 : Rawang
2007-11-11 : Towards Rawang
2007-11-04 : Sightseeing in Kuala Lumpur
2007-10-28 : Arrival in Kuala Lumpur

2007-10-27 : Previous travelog: India
This travelog presents the trip in Malaysia.
A one-week stay in Kuala Lumpur waiting the arrival of my truck in Port Klang from Chennai.
It travels:
----The West coast to go to Thailand,
----Then the East coast back from Thailand.

The east coast trip was modified to visit the south-west coast before shipping my truck from Singapore to Europe.


The map presents a trekking plan in Borneo Island before going to Indonesia:
----A one-month stay in Sarawak,
----A one-month stay in Sabah.
----A short visit in Brunei.

This project was not carried out due to the need for returning to Europe to make repair the floor of the cell seriously damaged.

However projects, there are like horse races, are often in muddle.
Sarawak was visited by waiting for my truck back in Port Klang.

2008/09/01: Following Travelog: Peninsular Malaysia

2008-08-29 : Sarawak & Brunei

2008-07-23 : Previous travelog: Europe


Johor Bahru, the 2009/06/25