From 2010/09/06 to 2010/09/12

-- From Goondiwindi to Durack




The road tracklog 
From Goondiwindi to Durack
from 2010/09/06 to 2010/09/12 

On Monday September 06 I went to a workshop in Goodiwindi supposed to be affiliated with MAN, que nenni. A manager advised me to go to Rocklea, suburbs southwards Brisbane, at the workshop Brisbane Truck Centre. I remained in Goondiwindi to make the wheels rotated. Then I left around midday to bivouac at Fassifern again.

The following day I arrived towards 6h50 at Brisbane Truck Centre where I stayed a day by waiting for the end of the repair work of my truck. I came back on Monday the next week to achieve them. At the end of the day I headed to Durack Gardens CVAN where I had bivouacked on June 19 already. I stayed six days there.
During my stay I prepared my journey in New Zealand and I read again the novel by Nevil Shute, A town like Alice. The style of this novel, its syntax and its vocabulary are adapted to improve my English knowledge, if it were still possible! The other books of my embarked library, Oscar Wilde, Saül Bellow and George Orwell are more difficult. Moreover the attraction of the novel by Shute resides in the story which proceeds during the WWII in Malaya and six years later in Australia, two countries which I knew well.

Durack, le 2010/09/12

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