
El Salvador

Informations pratiques, Pratical information
Credit card
Chartis insurance
RV park
Sight entry fees
Internet café
At ATM’s of HSBC, from 1,39 to 1,34 for 1 euro
US$378=€295 for a year
Island, $220 for my truck
At that moment, $679
At that moment, $1128
At that moment, $4
From €0,84 to €1,03 a litre
Truck shipping from Brisbane to Vancouver
Look at Australia Information

Passage des frontières, Border crossings
Assurance du véhicule, Vehicle insurance

K.-H. Nowag Internationale Versicherungen
Platanenring 15b 63110 Rodgau
Tel:  +49 6106 16960
Fax: +49 6106 13520

Carnet de passage en douane -CPD-
Pas de Carnet de Passage en Douane ?

I Entrée :
Le 20 janvier 2011 je débarquais à l'aéroport International de Vancouver BC. Le contrôle de l'Immigration fut symbolique, je reçus un visa gratuit de 6 mois.
II Sortie :
Voir la page du passage de la frontière.


I Entry:
On January 20th I unloaded at the Vancouver International Airport, The Immigration control was symbolic I received a free six-month visa.
II Exit :
Look at the page border crossing.

Cartes routières & guides, Maps & guidebooks

Guidebook: Lonely Planet in English
Rand McNally: The Road Atlas, Walmart stores directory
Woodall's: North American Campground Directory
Don Wright's Guide to Free Campgrounds, western edition
The City Navigator North America by Garmin
Canada-USA by Touratech for TTQV4, now Quo Vadis

Adresses utiles, Helpful addresses

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