Informations pratiques, Practical information

Country: Indonesia
Credit card
Toll gate
Carpark fees
Sight entry fees
Internet Café
At ATM’s of HSBC, 14,105 IDR to 1 Euro,
No insurance,
At that moment,    14000 IDR for a truck,
At that moment,  218000 IDR for a truck,
At that moment,  840000 IDR for one people,
in 2009 July: 4500 IDR a litre,
In Bogor   2000 IDR an hour, in Labuhanbajo 15000 IDR an hour, in Ende 5000 IDR an hour,

Truck shipment
from Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia

Information page of Singapore

Passage des frontières, Border crossings

I Entrée en Indonésie:
L'entrée en Indonésie fut une histoire à épisodes qui est conté par la page de la première semaine dans ce pays. Il n'y eut pas de difficultés dès lors que tous les documents requis sont présentés. Mais il faut de la patience, la qualité cardinale des intervenants n'est pas l'efficacité. Le prix des prestations en fut affecté.
II Sortie d'Indonésie:
La sortie d'Indonésie à Motoain, voir la page, dura moins d'une demi-heure


I Entry Indonesia:
The entry Indonesia was a story with episodes which is reported by the page of the first week in this country. There were no difficulties since all the required documents are presented. But one needs patience; the cardinal quality of people is not the effectiveness. The price of the procedures was affected.
II Exit Indonesia:
The exit Indonesia at Motoain, look at the page, lasted less than a half an hour.

Travelling Permit

L'obtention du Travelling Permit requiert cinq documents:

1-- La lettre de présentation de son histoire personnelle en Malay,
2-- Le plan de route prévu pour visiter l'Indonésie, tableau Excel.

Le Ministère du Tourisme est situé Medan Merdeka Barat près de Monas. Il délivre la lettre demandée sans difficultés.

3-- La lettre d'introduction du Ministère du Tourisme,
4-- La photocopie du passeport avec le visa et le tampon d'entrée,
5-- Deux photos d'identité sur fond rouge.

Le Bureau central de la Police est situé Trunojoyo Road près de l'ASEAN. Selon l'affluence le permis est obtenu immédiatement.

Ces deux offices sont accessibles en bus "Corridor I Blok M-Kota".

Les spécimens sont présentés ici


To have a Travelling Permit five documents are required:

1-- His personal story in Malay,
2-- The road plan to visit Indonesia, Excel sheet.

Ministry of Tourism is located Medan Merdeka Barat close to Monas. It give the letter without difficulties.

3-- The sponsorship letter by the Ministry of Tourism,
4-- The copy of passport with visa and entry stamp,
5-- Two photos with red background.

The main Police Office is located Trunojoyo Road close to ASEAN. As the number the permit is obtained immediately.

This two Offices are accessible by bus "Corridor I Blok M-Kota".

 Specimen are presented here

Ferries from island to island

Indonesia Ferry asdp
My truck 7x2.5x3.6: Category Gol VI (Barang)



Frequency Duration Cost Vertical clearance Weight Date
Islands Java Bali daily every 30 minutes 00:30 208000 3.8 metres 20 tons 22/07/2009
Ports Ketapang Gilimanuk            
Islands Bali Lombok daily every hour 04:00 1440000 3.8 metres ? 01/08/2009
Ports Padangbai Lembar            
Islands Lombok Sumbawa daily every hour 01:30 628000 3.8 metres ? 07/08/2009
Ports Labuhan Lombok Poto Tano            
Islands Sumbawa Flores daily 08:00 1828000 3.8 metres ? 11/08/2009
Ports Sape Labuanbajo            
Islands Flores Timor Monday & Friday 14:00 2341000 3.8 metres ? 21/08/2009
Ports Larantuka Kupang          
  Total       64450000 IDR      

Adresses utiles, Helpful addresses

Wilhemsen Ships Service
186 Pandan Loop,
Singapore 128376
Mr. Simon Ng
Tel: +65 6379 5165

Surakarta Tourist Office
AditywarmanSt N°110
Surakarta, Indonesia
Irna Pawanti
Head of Promotion Division
Tel: +62 31 5615973

West Nusa Tenggara Tourist Office
Jln Singosari N°2
Mataram NTB 83127, Indonesia
Drs. Lalu Gita Ariadi, M.SI
Tel: +62 370 634800

PT. Puninar Jaya
Jln Raya Cakung Cilincing Km 1.5
Jakarta 13910, Indonesia
Mrs Vivi Noviana
Tel: +62 21 460 2278

Indonesia Ferry, ASDP
ADPEL III Tanjung Perak
Jln Tanjung Perak Timur N° 620
Surakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 31 3291992_96


West Nusa Tenggara Tourist Office
Jln Singosari N°2
Mataram NTB 83127, Indonesia
Mr. Ucup Supriyadi
Marketing Staff
Tel: +62 370 634800

Larantuka, the 2009/08/21